Friday, August 15, 2008

I Don't Love the Olympics.

I told my friend that I haven't been watching the Olympics because I'm not really interested. His response was:

"I'm not sure if we can be friends anymore. You hate the olympics? Are you a communist? Why don't you just move to China?!? This is one of the greatest Olympics you'll ever see with what Phelps is doing, and you're missing it..."

So, I wrote an email to him detailing my general apathy, and I kind of cracked myself up. And then I thought I'd post it.

"haha - did you just tell me to move to china because i hate the olympics? were you striving for irony? if so, nicely played. if not, i am laughing at you, rather than with you. i just think the olympics are boring. sorry. when it's on, i tolerate it, and i listen to people talk about michael phelps on the news, but i just don't feel like i'm missing out.

"'but biz!' people argue, 'he can swim! like... really... good!'


"i used to hate tiger woods too. it was like, he would walk out on the golf course and everyone would say, 'i wonder who will come in second in this tournament.' it wasn't even fun anymore. then he lost some and i got over it.

"and i guess i'm just more concerned with the us response to russia invading georgia than how many calories michael phelps eats in one day. although 12,000 is pretty impressive, i must admit.

"so i watch the news. and i read harry potter, because seriously - that crap never gets old! and i write emails so i can procrastinate the massive packing job i have to do tonight. so you can have my ticket to china. i'm going to the beach."


Anonymous said...

'happy monday' is what this post says to me.
you see, i didn't check blogs much last week and missed your debut. i consider it a very happy monday when i can read things written by you once again. :)

Anonymous said...

and, actually related to the post... phelpsy is pretty awesome. i'm relatively ambivalent toward the olympics. sometimes i don't care, but when i watch, i DO enjoy.

kathryn said...

i only had to watch the closing ceremony, but i found the fact that the Chinese use children as stage scenery to be a little creepy.