Friday, December 5, 2008

Success in Blogging

I keep a blog on my work website for my kids (I'd link, but you'd be bored to tears.) The thing about that blog, though, is that I'm obsessed with it.

I think it's the whole captive audience thing. I don't require that the kids use it, but I have an audience of over 100 without even trying.

I don't really blog about anything meaningful here, but I'm just wondering: how do you stay interested in your own blog? (Especially if you don't have--or want--a ton of readership.)

Addendum: On second thought, there are some pretty corny jokes on the pun post... Click at your own risk

Adddendum part 2: I had Mexican for dinner. But my t-shirt smells like Chinese. ...What?

Monday, December 1, 2008

So About That

I tried out Twitter.

First impressions, at random:
  • Um, why is the person who runs it named Biz? That really throws me off
  • I find I either want to change my status five times at once or not at all. Is there an appropriate limit?
  • @ replies freak me right out
  • It's harder to find people to follow than to find Facebook friends - this is a negative.
  • Faye, Marten, Dora, et al. are on Twitter... do I dare to follow them?
  • I will never be able to use Twitter without thinking about the past tense. Um, thanks, @puremotif (ooh, see what I did there?)
Uh... Follow me?